All of the following poems are also on the web site; however, they
keep changing the format and it is difficult to find existing poems so I
have included my poems on this separate page in my library. Enjoy.
Interview With The Cat
by Tom Heald
With the cat, I had a chat.
Do you know, how to find a beau?
As soft as brie, she said to me,
I sing a song, all night long.
When he doth come, all aplomb,
I jump down, and dance aroun'.
If I'm not remiss, his response is bliss,
so to that end, I do send,
a message of love, and a turtledove.
Which we then share, much to its despair.

"Interview with the Cat" was written in 1995 as part of an article
I was doing on dictionaries. It was publish by The National Library of Poetry
in 1997 and again in America at the Millennium,
"The best poems and poets of the 20th century".
Don't be too impressed, it's a vanity publisher. They publish your work
and then offer to sell you a copy of the book.
Stars Alight
by Tom Heald
The night's alight,
with stars so bright;
every star I see tonight.
There is no moon or city light,
to ban from sight their soft starlight.
The air is clear and crisp and bright,
to show a night that's pure delight.

"Stars Alight" was written on Sept. 29, 1997 while my wife Maren and I were on a
trip around the US. Our motor home was parked in a State Park near Guernsey, WY on a clear moonless night
near the Platte river only a stone's throw from the old Oregon Trail. It received
an Editor's Choice Award* and was published by
The International Library of Poetry in the anthology Seasons of Happiness on May 1, 2000.

Haiku is a Japanese verse form that relies on brevity and simplicity to convey its message. It
is usually three brief lines of five, seven, and five syllables. It often has a seasonal reference
as well. It is believed to have been first written in the seventeenth century and was based on a Zen
Buddhist philosophy of simplicity and the idea of perfection that excludes the extraneous.
The following is a Haiku Annual of five verses depicting
life's journey as the seasons of a year.
The Seasons of Life
by Tom Heald
Life, like seasons flow
from spring's birth to winter's dusk.
Every path unique.
--- ---
As baby slips free,
mother smiles in spring's warm glee.
Bound by love for life. --- ---
Two hearts joined by love,
ripened under summer's sweet sun,
sow their own good seed. --- ---
A soul sours skyward.
Tears fall free in autumn's wane.
Only love lives on. --- ---
My soul's discontent,
chills like drifts of winter snow.
I yearn to be free. --- ---
"The Seasons of Life" was written in phases. I composed
"Autumn" while at a friend's funeral in November 1999.
"Spring" followed in February 2000 after returning from four days
of whale watching in Baja California. At that time I decided to create what
I call a "Haiku Annual" of five verses depicting life's journey as the seasons
of a year. It received an Editor's Choice Award* and was publish by The International Library of Poetry
in the anthology Eternal Portraits in the Fall of 2004.
* About 12% of submissions receive by Poetry.Com are honored with an
Editor's Choice Award.
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